It is estimated that the toughest time for the timber industry is yet to come.
Experts say that the introduction of EU forestry rules could lead to a shortage of wood in just a few years.
This makes it all the more important to prepare your company adequately for this time. We propose solutions which will not only improve the technological process, but at the same time make it possible to survive this difficult period.
We design and manufacture high-quality machinery and equipment, as well as complete production and technological lines. For this purpose, we use all current technical innovations as well as knowledge and experience gained over the years. We also offer the outsourcing of engineers as well as the support of our design office. The basis of our operations is individual orders, as we want our projects to be as individual as possible. Therefore, we strive to make our projects, as relevant to the needs of a given company as possible.
At the design stage we also actively cooperate with the client and carefully analyse all their needs and requirements. The timber industry is not a homogenous one – we cooperate with its various branches. Our customers are active in the door and window industry, transport pallet production, laminated beams and CLT, panel and moulding production, plywood and LVL, as well as furniture and plywood board production. Our contractors even include sawmills that need automation and robotics to improve their operations.
We carry out all projects on a turnkey basis – from concept to author’s supervision during implementation. We apply the principles of the adopted SAFETY strategy, taking care not only of the safety of the technological process but also of its speed and efficiency. At each stage of project implementation, we cooperate with the client. We also precede each order with extensive research and diagnosis of the activity of the given company. Our goal is to create solutions tailored to the needs of a given company. The timber industry has its specificity, which we try to use as an asset when creating individual technical and technological solutions. Each completed element is also subjected to comprehensive control using the SCADA system.
The equipment we offer undoubtedly supports the technological process, making it smooth and efficient. As part of this, we have the ability to create a variety of mechanical grippers, cassette grippers, portal stackers and more.
The timber industry also makes use of our process and production lines, including planning, micro-joining lines, band saw, lumber optimisation, finishing lines and stacking lines with spacers.
We offer mechanisation equipment, including feeders, turntables and even special solutions that combine several functions.
We also provide scanners, constituting optimisation and quality assessment systems, unique and functional saws, packaging machines as well as glulam presses.
Contact the appropriate department and receive the terms of cooperation.